"nah, never gonna meet, never gonna happen".
and theen.. and THENNN!...
Summer time, it was so hot on that big-o field in London, I was with my friends laughing, having a good time, so many cute guys and girls, singles mingle and couples so cute.. while being so excited on which ride to go on next, there he was, skinny jeans, white tee and a matching sunglass, my friend introduced him to me thinking "who the hell"..
I was honestly wasn't on that fiesta to flirt or strut my stuff like most other.
(while I was too busy looking at the people having fun on that power surge and terminator)
He said hi, I said hi, we shook hands.. not much really.
Nearly end of the day, I thought of him thinking
"who was it again?.. ohh.. I should've introduced myself more"
and then.. and theNN....
the next day I was on the bus going back home (I did live quite far from London)..... while the guys started sending msgs on facebook, messaged me last thinking:
"oooooh you nasty playing hard to get sending me message after everyone did ha!)
...now that's how it is, after the party, the ones that 'liked' you will make a move.. somehow.. muahahaha!
.. im bad with playing hard to get but when I fall.. I fall hard, quite bad
I've known him for 2 years and most of the things I like in a guy, he has.
A Joker
Happy go lucky
and most of all HE FEEDS ME WHATEVER I WANT <3
He courted me for 3 months and finally said, fine. haha I meant yes (he might read this haha).
Hes never strict with me, makes me laugh and sends me roses, I remember him sending me flowers at a place where I used to work "oh my gaaaaad!"
and he sent me 21 white roses with a small cake written happy birthday on my 21st It was so sweet I think I shed a little tear then. Of course my dad then didn't agree and wasn't happy with anybody I had relationship with, I was a hopeless romantic and always failed with relationship, they would always hear me cry in my bedroom and having a fight over the phone with most of my exes which was probably the reason why he was like that and I do understand him.
But with him, I was so confident, every so often I ring my parents how they're doing etc. Every time I would tell them something sweet that he did for me that day, yesterday or last week. I'd always give them hints that he does make me happy and never argue with me. I guess it worked and overtime, my father didn't comment whenever I talked about him like he did the first time I mentioned him,there was a few bad words came out, told him names and commented in one of our photos together in fb that he was ugly which his friends read and til now hes still teased by his friends which I do find funny.
Anyways.. we'll have our 2nd anniversary very soon and we'll celebrate it with my 23rd Birthday and i look forward for being 1 year older.. not really haha..
THE Feelings..
I woke up still sleepy so I looked around for a clock, there wasn't any and my phone was dead, saw his phone connected to ps4 but the power was off so his phone didn't charge throughout that night so I just took it charged my phone using my charger and put his phone next to me to keep eye on the time. ofcourse my phone was more important)
anyways, my point is, as a couple like any other small things like this can be fixed but some people make these small things big and that's how some relationships get affected. These are normal, we would always have these 'small fights' but we don't let it get big, we give space and say sorry later.